Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out! Our contact information can be found at https://budget.uccs.edu/directory.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
To increase revenue budgets, use the " - " sign and to decrease revenue budgets, use no sign.
To increase expenditure budgets, use no sign and to decrease expenditure budgets, use the " - " sign.
General fund Budget Journal Entries (BJEs) MUST balance (debits = credits).
There can be no crossing of funds when entering BJEs.
Transfer-ins are treated as revenue (follow the rules for revenue).
Transfer-outs are treated as expenditures (follow the rules for expenditures).
Only the Budget Office can approve and post BJEs.
BJEs are processed to adjust budgets only; if you are moving actual expenditures or actual revenue, you must process a Journal Entry (JE) using the Ledger Code "Actuals".
All cash transfers must be approved through the Controller's Office.
Carryforward is the General Fund available balance (base + temporary budgets - actuals) at fiscal year end (through period 998) that must be requested and approved by the Chancellor's Cabinet and Board of Regents. There are two categories of carryforward: mandatory and requested. Mandatory items are those that have funding that is allocated for a specific use, such as fees, awards, and grants (CRCW, PFH). Requested carryforward can be subject to a 20% tax (though this policy is not enforced currently) to help cover budgetary deficits and/or campus commitments. Carryforward is the only unbalanced General Fund budget entry permitted at UCCS.
Rollforward is the process where all BASE budgets in all funds from the previous fiscal year are automatically established in the current fiscal year.
Base budgets are also known as continuing budgets. These budgets will be part of the Rollforward process. Departments are permitted to enter continuing budget adjustments (again they will not be approved if the debits and credits do not balance) but departments are subject to a fiscal year end deadline, typically this is February close for position base budgets, and March close for all other base budgets. Please use the ledger code "B_CUR_CONT" for all base adjustments on your BJE.
Temporary budgets can be established in the current fiscal year and will adjust budgets for that current fiscal year ONLY. Any temporary budget adjustments will not rollforward.